by Bluewater Advisory | Mar 1, 2022 | Business Excellence, Professional Development, Team
We often judge other’s actions based on how WE would intend those actions, if we were that person. These words have been a game changer in our communication trainings and during coaching sessions with individuals. Understanding the power of this single sentence is...
by Bluewater Advisory | Jan 19, 2022 | Business Excellence, Professional Development
Professionally: Once I get through this week Once we get a bit of breathing room Once this project is done Once we get through to the end of this year And personally: Once I get the house organized Once the credit cards are paid off Once we get to our summer vacation...
by Bluewater Advisory | Nov 18, 2021 | Business Excellence, Professional Development
Here is the situation: I gave a high-octane referral to a colleague about two months ago. Picture yourself giving a referral to someone in your network, someone you trust and admire. The person to whom I gave the referral (we’ll call her Jennifer) is a client in...
by Bluewater Advisory | Oct 19, 2021 | Business Excellence, Professional Development
What does this age-old image bring to mind? If you are like most people who attend our trainings where we use this image, you are likely to say, perspective. This image represents that we all have our own perspective on situations, and we must remember that...
by Bluewater Advisory | Aug 30, 2021 | Business Excellence, Professional Development
Teamwork. Good communicator. Adaptable. Forward thinker. Active listener. In our line of work, we hear these words all the time. They are the words we have come to use so frequently when talking about how our organizations and teams need to operate, we could list them...