Job Benchmarking – as easy as paint by numbers

by Bluewater Advisory

May 15, 2014

Hi I’m Mark Debinski founder & president of Bluewater Advisory & Bluewater Search broadcasting today from beautiful Islamorada, Florida.  What if we shared one tool with you today that would immediately allow you to help your organization do a better job hiring? And what if we told you that it’s as easy as paint by numbers?  You remember paint by numbers when you were a kid and you were given a picture that just had the outline and the outline was segmented into sections and each one had a number and all you had to do to create a great picture was to put the proper color that matched the number into that section and you end up with a pretty good picture even if you weren’t a good artist.  Well we have something that will help you do that for hiring and it’s called Job Benchmarking.  Job Benchmarking is a process that takes about 1 ½ – 2 hours and it pulls to the surface the talent markers or key attributes for a top performer in a given position.  Then, you can either assess candidates that you are considering putting in that position or you can use it for professional development to assess people in that job, compare it against the benchmark, recognize the gaps and create a professional development plan.

At Bluewater last year, we benchmarked over100 different positions with about 30 different companies – about ½ of those benchmarks for new positions being hired the other half were used for professional development.

If you would like to learn more, visit us today at or reach out to us at 877-543-0525.

Thanks and have a great day!